Thursday, January 31, 2008

Purple People and More!

Elianna and I were doing this hide and seek activity.

(It had came in the mail and I had saved it to do with her.)
Well, she was zooming through it!
She was finding the objects faster than I was!
I'm thinking I must have the brightest grandaughter ever!

Then we came to an item neither of us could find. Elianna told me,"It's over here somewhere." Sure enough it was!
I became suspicious. Then I asked her why she had thought it was over there. Her reply- "That's where it was when mommy and me did this!"
Obviously Angela had received one in the mail too.

Hey, I still have the grandaughter with the greatest memory!

1 comment:

Angela said...

I saw this picture and thought, "When did she come in my house and take a picture of that!?!" I have that exact picture, colored in much the same manner, on my wall. Oh, right. You got one in the mail, too! (Okay, so my kid is bright. That doesn't mean I always am!)
