Saturday, October 27, 2007

G-Ma & G-Pa Visit

My Mom and Dad stopped by for a short visit while in town for another appointment. (All though it took quite a bit of convincing to get Elianna to understand that they had not come to take her up North to "Her Lake.") Check out my Mom without glasses. She now has 20/20 vision after cataract surgery!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

It finally feels like Fall!

Today we went to storytime at the library as our usual Grandma Day outing. During the second book Elianna just got down and left the room. I followed her out and asked her what she was doing. She told me that she had already heard that story (she had) and wanted to go home. So we left. Then driving home, she kept telling me that Miss Molly (the librarian) was crying because SHE had left storytime before it was over.
We celebrated Fall today.
We read all my preschool Autumn books that I had retrieved from the attic.
Then we went outside to gather different leaves for our painting project.
I taped the leaves we had gathered onto a piece of paper. Then she painted over them by dabbing her paintbrush up & down. We removed the leaves and Ta-Da! leaf pictures. She was so excited she wanted to make one for Mommy too.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Errand Day

Today I took Elianna to Story Time at the big library today.
Then we went to Big Lots where she weaseled some suckers from me after we picked out wrapping paper for Selah's birthday present.
Next we went shopping at Meijer for groceries. Though Elianna told her mom that we didn't go shopping we went to Meijer. I guess grocery shopping isn't real shopping.
Lunch & Nap.
Angela came to get her and brought this surprise for Elianna.
