Thursday, May 28, 2009

First time Bowling

I took the girls bowling for their first time. I had signed up for this program where the girls can bowl 2 free games every weekday this summer. (Thanks for the info Melanie!) All I have to pay is $1.99 each for their shoe rentals.
Interesting note this bowling alley has some zones that are always smoke free and the whole building is smoke free from noon to six every day.

Elianna sporting her fancy special shoes. She loved them and asked if she could keep them!

Ready, Set, Roll!

Elianna was very excited whenever she hit pins. She rolled a 58.

After several times of the lane not scoring Selah's downed pins, I went and asked what I could do to put them in the computer manually. They said her ball was rolling too slow. So they brought out this ramp for her to push her ball down. She scored 46.
Both girls had a blast. We will definitely be doing this again.

Health Exploration

Selah crawling through the ear.

Elianna's favorite was climbing through the digestive tract. Here she is in the stomach.

Winding her way through the small intestines.

Elianna laughing hysterically when I told her she was poop coming out.

Selah's favorite was picking the nose. If you stuck your hand up far enough you would get a very loud sneeze.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wild Life

Saturday, May 16, 2009


This was a wonderful event with many trucks and vehicles for the girls to explore. All of the trucks had lines for the children who wanted to sit in them and pretend to drive.The girls stood very patiently in each of the lines until our last one the K-9 unit. We still had about 4-5 families in front of us when Elianna asked if she could go ask the police officer the dog's name. Next thing I notice, He is putting her in the unit, in front of all these kids waiting in line. Dear Elianna, she is so convincing she can talk a police officer into breaking the law!

The Garbage Truck was the first one they wanted to explore.

These pictures were a case of me telling them both to run over and stand under the H on the bus so I could take a picture. Well somehow Elianna thought I just meant her. As her face shows she was mad that I said Selah could be in the picture too. But I love the body language of Selah when she found out.

Elianna is talking on the radio and Selah is checking the inside mirrors to see the passengers on the bus.

Selah was afraid because of the height of the moving truck but Elianna loved running around in the back of it.

Selah inside U.S. Mail vehicle. Elianna was driving. We were also allowed to go into a Mobile Post Office used for emergencies.

Harley Girls told me they were going to get Little Gene! (He is the son of Chad's friend that lives in Florida.)

Friday, May 15, 2009

New Playground

We went to a new park today.

It now holds the title "Best Playground for my Grandchildren!"

After 3 years of holding the title, I'm sorry to announce the park in Md is now the runner-up.

Elianna is such a good big sister!

Selah in the wind.

Elianna said, "Now I look like cousin Aby!"
Selah asked, "Where we going ?" "Where am I driving you?"

Elianna aka Lioness

Elianna was sad a friend had to leave.

Normally I don't let the girls play on the swings when we go to a park. #1 I would rather they be running around playing. #2 My chest hurts to push them. But because of the springs these swings were easy to push. The girls enjoyed this unexpected treat.

This climbing wall was made of a flexible material.

Friday, May 8, 2009

All ready for bed!

Micah letting Selah know that he's sleepy.

Proud big sister with Levi!

Elianna is holding Levi & Selah is holding Micah.

This was so hard to photograph all four. After about 12 - 15 tries, this was the best I could get.

If only they could talk!

For those of you wanting to see some pictures of the babies, Here they are:

Please submit alternate captions!

Levi: "Mommy look at me sleeping like a good boy. " "Did I fool her?"

Micah: "Here's looking at you babe."

Levi: "Don't mess with me or I'll punch you!"
Micah: "You wouldn't like me when I'm Angry"

Levi: " What ARE you doing Grandma?"
