Monday, September 10, 2007

Bath Time

Aby's Doo

I really enjoyed participating in the children's unique bedtime routine with my daughter's family.

  1. Have Night Time snack. (As you can see on their faces it is usually 2 oreos.)

  2. Clean up toy room. (Preferably children ~ but adults end up helping.)

  3. Bath Time. (Bubbles of course!)

  4. Get dressed for bed. (Time for Jammies)

  5. Story Time with cup of milk. (Heat Aby's for 23 seconds) Story time is and has always been my favorite time of any child's bedtime routine. Nothing beats snuggling with a freshly clean and sweet smelling child and sharing a book. I usually read 2-3 books. This week Jaycob had me read "Over in the Meadow" 6 nights. Ahh! Glorious Repetition.

  6. Brushing Teeth. (Jaycob does a very thorough tooth brushing for a 3 year old.)

  7. Leap Frogging back to bed. (I never did get this right and wasn't even close to making the special Fly Slurping sound required.) (Reinforcements had to be called in to complete this step) Hey, Grandma's can't do everything ;)

  8. Check to make sure each child has their favorite sleeping companions. Aby her baby dolls and Jaycob the trains &/or trucks that he wants to sleep with that night.

  9. Kisses and Hugs all around. XOXOX

  10. Good Night!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Aby's cup 23 seconds?? Where'd that come from?? Hmmmm... Maybe that's why she wouldn't take it the one night! It's usually 35 seconds!

They LOVED you doing night time routine with them. The night you went back I had to read 'Over In The Meadow!! Thanks!
