Today we went to storytime at the library as our usual Grandma Day outing. During the second book Elianna just got down and left the room. I followed her out and asked her what she was doing. She told me that she had already heard that story (she had) and wanted to go home. So we left. Then driving home, she kept telling me that Miss Molly (the librarian) was crying because SHE had left storytime before it was over.
We celebrated Fall today.
We read all my preschool Autumn books that I had retrieved from the attic.
Then we went outside to gather different leaves for our painting project.
I taped the leaves we had gathered onto a piece of paper. Then she painted over them by dabbing her paintbrush up & down. We removed the leaves and Ta-Da! leaf pictures. She was so excited she wanted to make one for Mommy too.